Dude’s Corner: When the Devastation Rolls



Dude on right, discusses a new traditional arrow made by Paul Campbell.

Just a few weeks ago, I got a call from a guy I’ve known for several years. He knew about my interest in survival, and commented that I must be looking forward to a collapse of society as we know it.

“Are you nuts!” I told him. “Hell no,” sez I. Thousands of innocent people would die through no fault of their own if our society were to “collapse.” Besides, I like and enjoy lots of things our modern life allows us to benefit from. Oh sure, I do believe that one should own at least some primitive skills in case some devastation rolls. At least they might survive a little longer than most. But they will still have a hard time of it – after all, we’re all in the same boat!

When the devastation rolls — from whatever source — that means the game is over. As many here know, I’m a big advocate of knowing and owning the skills, but even for those who own the skills it will be a tough ride.

Many need the meds which only this society can provide. Sure, there herbs and concoctions that can be derived from plants but only a very few can whip them up quickly and accurately. So, I for one hope such a devastation never happens. [editor: For context, read “Earth Abides” or “Hole in the Sky” or “Lucifer’s Hammer”.]

I do know that there are many who think such a devastation would be a good thing. Well, good things come in all sizes. A small dose here and there is one thing, but to face the real deal of a major devastation is quite another thing.

Now, I do own many of the skills but I’m knocking hard at the door of 84 years and my energy level is not what it once was. Over the years I have witnessed many a man who has over- estimated their own skill level and these might be in for a real shocker.

So, No, I’m not looking forward to any kind of a collapse. Do we need a change? Maybe, but to what end? Think carefully about that, and be careful of what you wish for.

The fantasy described in end-of-the-world novels is not real life.