DUDE’S CORNER: On Ownership



So you bought this land, and it belongs to you, right?  Don’t count on it. Take a handful of the dirt you own and throw it into the air.  Poof!  It’s gone.  Try and pick up the handful of dirt – can’t be done.

Oh, you might pick up a few grains of the soil but it will take a long time to replace the handful you scooped up.  The reason for this is that you cannot own the earth — it owns itself.

Human arrogance and the culture we were born into says this is the rule, yet many to most primitive cultures in the world know this is not the way the earth works.  We cannot own the mighty oak or even a delicate wild flower

In truth, we are here for just a very short time until we once again become a part of the earth.  The earth owns only itself and asks for nothing else.  Man needs to step back.  When you die, you can’t take  anything with you. Try and be respectful to the earth.

Ownership has taken a very twisted path and needs further understanding of that limited word and meaning.   I own that dog. But the critter is a living, breathing thing.  I would say the dog is friend and a buddy, but you say you own it.  You are responsible for the well- being of the dog just as you should be responsible for a part, your part, of the earth to nurture and to protect it as best you can.



    1. admin

      Dude is living in Landers!

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