The loss of bugs is in a freefall due to habitat loss and man who has created a wall of killing chemicals. Bugs are one of the most important food sources for many other animals. They are also great pollinators. We all know about bees, but they are only one of many pollinators.
I can recall only a few short years ago when you went for a drive at certain times of the year, your windshield would soon be covered by insects of all kinds. Not anymore!
There are 50,000 scientists researching one monkey, but only one scientist researching 50,000 bugs. I remember being in the desert town of Blythe, California at night seeing piles of June bugs outside of cafes. The piles in some places were two feet high! They were attracted to the lights. Now we have so many lights and so many ways to kill these critters that some are on verge of extinction. In most cases, the insect are our friends. They are just not really cute and fuzzy to hold.
But bugs and insects are a vital part of the ecological food chain – remember studying that in high school biology? — and without them it would lead to the demise of many mammals and other critters birds would suffer huge losses.
You can help by not using the pest control chemicals and in your yard, and by leaving piles of weeds in a corner of your yard which gives them a place to live.
— by (seldom seen) DUDE MCLEAN (also short on words and to the point)