October 19, 10 a.m.     SURVIVAL SKILLS INTENSIVE October 19, 10 A.M. $75  ($55 for seniors and students)   Here’s a chance to practice all of the basic skills that are considered the essential skills.  We will do a little bit of everything, and try to keep hiking to a minimum. Knowledge of plants […]

$55.00 – $75.00

EAT TO YOUR HEALTH! A Medicine and Food Foraging walk

Saturday, October 26, 10 a.m.  MEDICINE AND FOOD  FORAGING WALK   EAT TO YOUR HEALTH:  Eat your Medicine.  Learn about native and non-native Edible and Medicinal, and Utilitarian plants. WITH DISCUSSION OF PLANT FAMILIES. We’ll do a short walk along a trail in the Arroyo Seco to see and study the native, and introduced plants.  […]

$45.00 – $65.00


HANDS-ON FIRE-MAKING WORKSHOP   --  November 16, 10 a.m.   Learn how to make fire by several primitive methods.  You will learn the 4 Principles by which fire is generated: friction, the sun, chemicals, and electricity.  You will practice several of these, and learn the best techniques for mastery. You will use reflectors and magnifying glasses, […]

$45.00 – $65.00