WILD FOOD FORAGING Class, with Fire workshop

Saturday, March 9, 10 a.m. Join us as we explore the ethno-botanical treasures of this wild area.  We will  learn about the common in-season wild foods, and  the many introduced wild foods (mostly from Europe), as well as the many native foods that have been used for millenia.   And we'll see how the  rains have […]

$45.00 – $65.00

Bushcraft Skills: Fishing-related: Make a Fish Spear, and net — a Hands-on Workshop

Thursday, March 14, noon LUNCHTIME WORKSHOP, learn to make a simple  FISH SPEAR, and a NET .  And a few other skills if time. These are very basic bushcraft skills for taking fish to survive.  Bring your knife, since we'll make a simple spear and learn its many variations.   Also, how to make line and […]

$30.00 – $45.00