Dude McLean

We are not known for our sense of smell,  but it can be improved and enhanced with a little work.

If you smell something, track it down to its source if you can, and ID it. I don’t care if it’s dog poop!   You found it by its odor.  One way to help ID plants is to crush the leaves and stem and smell it.  That odor or aroma will help you even years later to verify the ID of the plant.

For example, mugwort has a very distinctive aroma, especially in the heat of the day and growing close to water.  If you smell something you cannot ID, track it down to see what it is.  Sometimes it may be just a hint of an odor so if you can ID it, you are following your nose!

Following your nose takes practice but by paying attention you can train your nose to be a better nose. We know the smell of bacon, so why not other things?  The smell of a wet dog, the smell of a cigar,  the smell of beer, of perfume, etc.  It really is just a matter of practice.  Our nose will never be as great as a dog’s,  but it can be improved.

So go out and smell the world!