These are top-quality hard-cover books, fully illustrated. The retail is $30 per book, so this is a GREAT DEAL
As many of you know, anthropologist Paul Campbell was our friend, mentor, and associate. He freely gave of his time at many of our skills and craft classes, and at our annual Dirttime event. Paul produced these himself, and oversaw the printing. Since his passing, the family wants to reduce the stock of the books still remaining, which isto your benefit. And, once they are gone, there will be no more!

We still miss his passing!!
We are working the last inventory of the books Paul wrote and had published before his death. These are THE UNIVERSAL TOOL KIT and PAINTS AND PIGMENTS OF NATIVE CALIFORNIA.

The Universal Tool Kit is Paul’s fully-illustrated hard-cover book, demonstrating the use of fractured rocks to perform all manner of jobs, from shelter, to weapons and tools, to fishing gear. We’d go ito the willow forests with Paul when he was working on this book, and he’d hurl granite rocks onto other rocks to crack them, and then he’d use the sharp edges to cut willows and make things. The book is an amazing testament to Paul’s in-depth research, and genius. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE BUSHCRAFT, PRIMITIVE SURVIVAL SKILLS BOOK! There is nothing else like it out there.
Paints and Pigments of Native California is another unique and remarkable book by Paul which documents his journeys to track down an elusive ochre, and his research into the sources of the many colors used by native Californians for body paint, painting bows and arrows, and the unique and diverse rock art, some of which is still extant. This is fully illustrated with color photos, and lots of historical photos that Paul found somewhere. ARTISTS ARE ALWAYS BLOWN AWAY WHEN THEY SEE THIS BOOK!! It is an incredible journey of how the paints and pigments are found, processed, and used, along with a treasure trove of historical photos.
Both books are hard-cover quality books whose printing and publication Paul oversaw in Hong Kong. Each book has a retail list price of $30.
You’re getting a great discount if you buy the pair from us! Normally it would be $60 for the pair, but you’re getting BOTH for only $38! (plus postage, unless you pick up at our classes) — a savings of $22, which will probably make Paul roll in his grave, but I think he will understand that a good deal gets his books in your hands!
[If you’re interested in BULK purchases of these books for gifts, or resale, let us know, and we’ll see what we can work out]