Saturday, October 28, 10 a.m. CONTAINER WORKSHOP: LEARN TO MAKE AN EXPEDIENT BURN BOWL As part of our Container series, we have taught how to make clay bowls (from local clays), how to make baskets, how to process gourds, how to make yucca and agave quivers, how to make soap...
MAKE A GOURD! HAVE SOME SOUP! Saturday, Sept. 2, 10 am. We're going to practice a traditional bushcraft skill and learn to clean and carve a gourd. We'll wash and clean it, and cut it to create a bowl. You'll learn by doing all the steps to have a functional...
EAT TO YOUR HEALTH: A Wild Food Foraging Walk
Saturday, July 13, 10 a.m. EAT TO YOUR HEALTH: Wild plant FORAGING Your food should be your medicine! We will walk in a local area and learn which (wild) foods can be great food, and great medicine! You'll learn about some of the nutritional values of the plants we see,...