ON AMERICA’S FAVORITE FOOD: POTATOES [Nyerges is the author of “Guide to Wild Foods,” “Urban Survival Guide,” “How to Survive Anywhere,” and about two dozen other books. More information on his books and classes is found at www.SchoolofSelf-Reliance.com] I love potatoes and the vast variety of flavors and textures...
An understanding of Plant Families goes a long way to improving your ability to identify species. When I was first beginning to study botany, I heard that Jimsonweed grew in our local wild areas. I didn't know what Jimsonweed looked like, but I'd read that the plant had long been used...
Friday, October 29, 6:30 p.m., NOT SO DEADLY NIGHTSHADES When people hear the word “Nightshade,” they invariably think DEADLY Nightshade! Horrors! Yet, at this timely part of the year, we’ll explore the many foods, and yes, poisons, in the Nightshade Family. You’ve probably eaten a nightshade today! It’s a very...