Saturday, September 21, 10 a.m. WILD FOOD AND USEFUL PLANTS BY THE SEASON This series of workshops, one per season, will show you nature through the seasons, from a forager’s perspective. The essence of this class is to develop seasonal knowledge and observational skills: How to look, where to...
EAT TO YOUR HEALTH! A Medicine and Food Foraging walk
Saturday, January 11, 10 a.m. MEDICINE AND FOOD FORAGING WALK EAT TO YOUR HEALTH: Eat your Medicine. Learn about native and non-native Edible and Medicinal, and Utilitarian plants. WITH DISCUSSION OF PLANT FAMILIES. We’ll do a short walk along a trail in the Arroyo Seco to see and study...
Loquat is an easy-to-grow tree, drought tolerant, and produces early fruit