Saturday, September 25, 10 a.m., SHELTER SKILLS, part of our Weekend Warrior Series. Let’s take a look at the shelters you might have in your backyard, as well as make-shift shelters from tarps. Are there ready-to-occupy shelters in the woods? What sort of shelters would you be able to...
FORAGING WALKABOUT: WILD FOOD & USEFUL PLANTS, Plant ID, and some Wilderness Shelter
FORAGING USEFUL WILD PLANTS -- EDIBLE, MEDICINAL, UTILITARIAN -- November 9, 10 a.m. We will explore a watershed area, seeing native and introduced plants. You will learn about edible plants, medicinal plants, various useful plants. You will learn some of the Plant Families, based on the pattern method developed...
SHELTER. Thursday, August 11, noon. Today, we will focus upon wilderness shelters. You’ll get to set up a few modern shelters, but mostly we’ll work on a few of the more traditional sorts of shelters that you’d construct strictly from the wild. These include the body hollow, the lean-to, and...