Video Playlist
1/10 videos
CropSwap staff interviews Christopher Nyerges during a class in the Angeles National Forest.
CropSwap staff interviews Christopher Nyerges during a class in the Angeles National Forest.
Joey vs. Wild. Actress Joey Wild attends a survival skills class.
Joey vs. Wild. Actress Joey Wild attends a survival skills class.
CNN’s Great Big Story, street foraging with Christopher Nyerges.
CNN’s Great Big Story, street foraging with Christopher Nyerges.
NatGeo teaser on Christopher’s appearance.
NatGeo teaser on Christopher’s appearance.
Alan Halcon, and Dude McLean discuss the contents of the pack Christopher had with him during the filming of NatGeo’s Doomsday Preppers episode 1.
Alan Halcon, and Dude McLean discuss the contents of the pack Christopher had with him during the filming of NatGeo’s Doomsday Preppers episode 1.
Christopher and Helen of School of Self-Reliance, interviewed at a Salt Lake City Survival Expo.
Christopher and Helen of School of Self-Reliance, interviewed at a Salt Lake City Survival Expo.
Christopher interviews Justin Farmer on basketweaving and his basketweaving books.
Christopher interviews Justin Farmer on basketweaving and his basketweaving books.
A segment of Huell Howser’s Visiting show, called Survival Foods, interviewing Christopher and Dolores Nyerges about wild foods in a vacant lot in downtown Los Angeles.
A segment of Huell Howser’s Visiting show, called Survival Foods, interviewing Christopher and Dolores Nyerges about wild foods in a vacant lot in downtown Los Angeles.
As “Nature Man” for Fox TV’s X show, Christopher demonstrates ice fishing.
As “Nature Man” for Fox TV’s X show, Christopher demonstrates ice fishing.
Buzzfeed has Christopher play his first-ever video game, The Long Dark. Christopher died three times, and was only resurrected twice.
Buzzfeed has Christopher play his first-ever video game, The Long Dark. Christopher died three times, and was only resurrected twice.